Smoking Health Effects
In recent years, smoking has become an acute global problem, and it is estimated that there are 1.2 billion smokers worldwide. The habit of smoking cigarette was once considered sexy, cool, good for health, was promoted by the sportsmen, advertised all over the television and was widely enjoyed by many people. The world has now awoken to all the hazardous effect of cigarette smoking, and it is now considered a bad habit which can cost a smoker his or her health and life. In the 20th century, smoking killed more than 100 million people worldwide, and tobacco kills one person every six seconds.
These days, cigarettes smokers are considered anti-social, and are usually frowned at if they smoke in the crowded places. Smoking is addictive, and tobacco contains the drug nicotine which can make it almost impossible to kick the habit. Pregnant women who smoke are likely to have higher rates of miscarriage, premature birth, stillbirth and other complications of pregnancy.
To add flavor to cigarettes, urea is used, which is also a major component in urine. Second hand smoke from parents increases the chance of ear problems, causes wheezing and coughing and makes asthma conditions worse for their children. Smokers report the effect such as alertness, calmness, stimulation, relaxation and concentration after smoking, but the after effects of smoking vary from one person to another, based on their expectations. Due to smoking, an average smoker loses fourteen years of their life, however, it does not mean that the smokers will die young, and they can still live out a normal lifespan.
As per insurance companies, smoking just one cigarette reduces the life expectancy of the smoker by 10.7 minutes. As the immune system of smokers is more active, it is quicker to respond to virus attacks. 80% of the smokers live in countries that are on low end and middle of the socioeconomic spectrum, and apparently, the financially advantaged men in advanced countries have been smoking less in the recent years. Tobacco reduces the flow of blood, and hence nicotine addiction has been linked to impotency.
For smokers, the risk of developing respiratory illnesses is quite high, which could lead to pulmonary diseases such as pneumonia and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease. Smokers report several different after-effects such as relaxation, calmness, stimulation, alertness, concentration etc. and smoking produces different effects in individuals depending on their expectations. In U.S., 22.6 million women and 25.6 million men are smokers, and studies indicate that popularity of cigarette smoking is significantly higher among kids in the age group of 9-11 years. To add taste and flavor unique to any brand, toppings are added to the blended tobacco mix.